First Hike

February 24, 2013

On the trailWe have decided we need to do a little more that is different rather than just going to a mall etc.  Even though it was the Arts and Crafts Fair in Fountain Hills yesterday, and we love going, we were there in November and we didn’t want to spend money – trust me it is difficult to go and not to spend it.  I mentioned to John that we’d not been hiking as a family and I’d not been hiking since before getting pregnant. Daddy and Miss K on the trailDon’t forget Miss K will turn 6 in May!  I looked online to see what was going on at our local recreational area and the Ranger was going to be teaching knots.  I’ve not done any of these since my days in the Scouts and Guides so thought why not.  We would also introduce Miss K to the joys of hiking.  She can walk around Sea World, London and Disney for hours on end so lets try something different.  I’m not sure what she thought of it, but in the Nature Centre she was introduced to some examples of the local wildlife ie live snakes, spiders and scorpions. ParkJohn and I decided we are happier not knowing where they are around the house as we have never spotted them.  The weather was beautiful and you would never guess we’d had a couple of inches of snow just 3 days before.

We didn’t walk far and the trails were amazingly busy as you had the riders on horseback, the cyclists and then there were a couple of endurance runs.  We spent as much time letting people go past us as we did walking but it was still wonderful to get out.